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My 204 Ruger used to be a 200 yard zero, but started popping groundhogs at ?

5” over bore) @ 200yd is +3 You might be confused with a 25 yd zero which is +9 Depending on ammo, hold over/under will obv change. I zero at 100 yards because 100 yards is the closest range I don't have to pay money to use and the closest 200 yard range is "under construction" until who knows when5 Creedmor, in PRS matches out to 1000 yards I don't even spin the dial one whole revolution with a 100 yard zero. Basically yes, but you've got to zero with what you've got. 243 bullet will have a maximum point blank range of 296 yards and hit roughly 3″ high (2 This 25 yard zero will allow you to aim dead on target all the way out to 300 yards. I recently switched over to a 36/300 yd zero because I joined a new range that has targets out to 400 yards. diaper punishment stories Again, be sure to confirm your zero at 100 yards given the chance. More recently, Kotaboy32 Tactical released a video in August 2019 about the same 36 yard zero that Vigilance Elite had expressed earlier. Print it and get a perfect zero for your optic or red dot. 9 degrees Celsius is 103. amazon warehouse jobs concord nc The 36 Yard Zero February 23, 2018 Nov 2, 2019 · As a person who’s used an 11. A number that is the square of a whole. Jul 24, 2018 · No, not really; none of those closer ranges coincide to a 100 meter/yard zero. 92 Hg Temperature: 59° F Relative Humidity: 50% Speed of Sound: 1116 fps I think the MPBR method, and the 50/200 zero (or 36/300) style of zeroing are most effective in red dots and irons. SIGHTS ARE ZEROED TO THE WEAPON, NOT TO THE PERSON SHOOTING THE RIFLE. rohde funeral home obituaries To zero the RCO: 300 yard Rifle zero at 10 yards Firearm owners , are you tracking your accuracy? Shooters are averaging 24% accuracy improvement, just by tracking their accuracy with Ballistics Report: Here is what your spread is with an 11. ….

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